Venice Carneval 2009

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The Venice Carnival always takes place during the ten days leading up to Shrove Tuesday. Carnival, being a pre-Lent festival, means ‘farewell to meat’ and is celebrated throughout Italy.

It was first held in Venice in the 11th Century and consisted of over two months of revelry, until it fell into decline during the 18th Century.

It was revived in 1979 with great success and nowadays it is a great excuse to don a mask and costume, parade around the city, and enjoy the live music in the main squares of the city.

There are several events organised by the tourist board and there is a wonderful open-air festival where everyone can join in. Fantastic costumes are displayed in St Mark’s Square and Venice is the perfect, spectacular back-drop for amazing photographs.

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Carnival in the 18th Century began with a series of balls in St Mark’s Square, as can be seen on the fresco on the walls of the famous café Quadri’s. Fortunes were squandered every night of Carnival in the Ridotto Gambling casino.

Whatever their social status all the people wore costumes and masks, many connected to the Commedie del’Arte, Harlequin, Columbine, the Plague Doctor and of course the courtesans.

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Even if you don’t wish to put on a costume, face-painting is offered in the various streets, various hats are on sale, and of course you have to taste the ‘frittelle’ – a type of doughnut, filled with cream or zabbaione (a Venetian speciality).

These are only made over the Carnival period!!!! During Carnival, the streets of Venice are filled with festivities and a light-hearted atmosphere of revelry.

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7 komentarjev

  1. brevo lepe fotke 🙂 morem naslednje leto js tud it to poglejat 🙂

  2. Super, sploh prva! Tudi že sam nekaj časa razmišljam, da se odpravim na beneški pustni festival, upam, da mi bo naslednje leto uspelo

  3. Posted by dolcekafana on 1 marca, 2009 at 3:32 pop

    Lepe slike! Je pa med karnevalom v Benetkah čisto preveč ljudi in ti nemaškare stalno skačejo pred fotoaparat. 😀

  4. hvala vsem

    morm pa rečt, da letos presenetljivo ni bilo veliko ljudi, pa sem bla tam na pustno soboto! Vsako leto se sploh nisi mogel premikat, to leto pa… pol prazno… mogoče je recesija vplivala tudi na Benetke 😀

    Letos je blo še posebej lepo, ker smo imeli sonček in toplo, smo se celo malce sončili in zaspali na sončku 😉 blo je čudovito! sonček in malo ljudi! perfektno… drugo leto pa ne zamudite te priložnosti… je vredno ogleda 😉

  5. Krasne fotke. In kot vedno. Ko so otroci zraven so ti očiten navdih…

  6. I spent a little time in venice last year so I actually recognize the things in these photos. I adore the streets of Venice. Looks like a beautiful festival. I love the picture of the man sitting by the water!

  7. Posted by Aljoša on 7 marca, 2009 at 3:53 pop

    Lepe fotke.Sm bil tud jest dol,tako de imam kr nekaj podobnih fotk. 😉
    Sicer praviš,de letos ni bilo gužve.Jest sm bil prvič dol,pa se mi je zdel čist tu mač folka. 🙂
    Ampak je blo fajn.Bom šou verjetno še enkrat dol,ko nebo karnevala,de še ma Benetke pofotkam,kr zdej je bil karneval v prvem planu. 😉
